
,CaymanChemicalCompanyisanAmericanbiotechnologycompanyfoundedin1980,headquarteredinAnnArbor,Michigan.Thecompanyprovideschemicalsthatare ...,2019年5月25日—HelpingMakeResearchPossibleWearehelpingmakeresearchpossiblebysupplyingscientistsworldwidewiththeassaykits,antibodies, ...,HeadquarteredinAnnArbor,Michigan,CaymanChemicalCompanysuppliesscientistsworldwidewiththeresourcesnecessaryforadvancinghu...

Cayman Chemical Company

Cayman Chemical Company is an American biotechnology company founded in 1980, headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The company provides chemicals that are ...

Cayman Chemical

2019年5月25日 — Helping Make Research Possible We are helping make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the assay kits, antibodies, ...


Headquartered in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Cayman Chemical Company supplies scientists worldwide with the resources necessary for advancing human and animal health.

Cayman Chemical

Cayman Chemical Company supplies scientists worldwide with the resources necessary for advancing human and animal health. We manufacture high quality ...

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Cayman Chemical Company supplies scientists worldwide with the resources necessary for advancing human and animal health. We manufacture high quality ...

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Cayman Chemical Company supplies scientists worldwide with the resources necessary for advancing human and animal health.


Cayman Chemical 公司是一家美國生物技術公司,成立於1980年,總部位於密歇根州的安娜堡。該公司化學品主要是提供給大學和製藥公司用於研究和開發藥物上使用。

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